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Take the Hassle and Stress out of Finding Quality Speakers
For Online Summits, Micro Summits and More!
Enter Your Name and Email Below to Get Instant Access to the Summits Made Simple Speaker Attraction Bundle - An Exclusive Offer Just for Bundle Giveaway Registrants!
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Ditch the unpredictable fads, ads, and lead generation strategies for something that actually works - organically!
If You Need to Generate a High Volume of Leads For Your Business - Online Summits Are The Way to Go
As a Coach, Course Creator or Online Business Owner... Have you ever wondered what an online summit is or if you should host one? 
Let's talk about it!

Online summits are virtual events designed to build your email list organically (and sometimes with some paid ads) using the power of Other People’s Audiences (or OPA). You build your email list when your expert speakers promote the summit to their audiences. Experts get exposure, you grow your list... it's a WIN WIN! 

Summits can be set up different ways and with tons of customization. I prefer to produce and run a summit where all the trainings with experts are pre-recorded and then scheduled to be released over a few days when the summit launches.

Summits are generally free to attend but also have a VIP or all access pass option. I love a good VIP bundle and they can make the host a few hundred up to thousands of dollars. 
Some people prefer to do live interviews but that comes with a ton of possible tech headaches and I really don’t recommend it unless you’re ready to take on that extra responsibility. 

With a pre-recorded summit, your registrants will get access to the trainings for about 24 hours with the option to upgrade to that awesome VIP I just mentioned. Experts are also invited to provide a free gift so it helps them grow their email list too.

Summits are lead generation powerhouses, and with some planning, the right tools and strategy, they can generate a high number of leads for your business!

Here's What You Get In The Speaker Attraction Bundle
  • Find, Connect & Book Quality Speakers Video Training (I’ll lay out the exact plan I teach my clients to instantly increase the chances of booking high-performing speakers who deliver the goods AND promote for you!) $47 Value
  • Call for Speakers Landing Page Template (Get the exact template I give my high-earning clients that helps their summit stand out from the crowd!) Value $67
  • Customizable “Call for Speaker” Social Media Canva Templates (These are my tested and true speaker attraction posts taken from my very own high-quality summits for you to customize and use!) $97 Value
  • Speaker Attraction Post Templates (Easily customizable social post copy template that makes your summit super attractive to the best speakers) $97 Value
Some of my clients results...
Julie’s business summit added over 1,700 new leads to her list, pulled in $20,000 in VIP sales, and sponsorships - not to mention the other sales she made with other products and tripwires.
Andrea's menopause summit added over 7 thousand leads to her email list and generated over $30,000 in VIP sales and sponsorships. She was also able to give a portion of profits to charity. 
Corrina's summit attracted over 10,000 new leads and her funnel converted at over 90%! She was able to sell to those new leads and close over $100,000 in business within 6 weeks of the summit.
Hi, I'm Jennie Wright.
I'm a List Build and Lead Generation Expert - with over 350+ list builds created, strategized and implemented for myself and my clients, I completely understand what it takes to get attention and build your audience.

I help my clients build their lists withOUT spending a dime on paid ads and still attract their ideal client to them in droves. And I can do the same for you.

Nothing gets me happier than seeing my clients succeed and seeing YOU share how list building and email marketing has transformed your business - and your life - for the better.

#realtalk: List building with summits takes planning, strategy and work, but the payoff is incredible:
  • A list of quality leads that buys when you make an offer...
  • ​Income from sponsorship sales, VIP/All Access Pass offers and more...
  • Raving fans that send you referrals, sing your praises and keep coming back for more...
  • ​The ability to launch a product to a heavily engaged audience and KNOW you have buyers ready and waiting...
  • ​A business that can scale because you're attracting the right types of leads to your offers. 
  • ​The freedom that comes with high-volume sales and high ticket offers. 
And that's why online summits are my go-to lead generation event at every stage of business. 
Jennie Wright | Copyright ©2024 | All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer - This bundle is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to launching your online summit.
Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved to be successful. 
Full Transparency: I will email you relevant offers and opportunities. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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